Wednesday, July 11, 2012


"If we do not change how we view things, we will NEVER understand the Ancients."

Perception is such an important part of gaining an understanding. It is also through our perception that we truly build limits for our lives. If Benjamin Franklin had perceived his discovery unimportant, we would still be operating by candlelight. ultimately it is this perception that creates the aspect of life, social norms, the definition of normality, philosophy, science and especially religion. The greatest quote I've ever heard is the one introducing this post.

"If  a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?"

Consider how you approach this question. This question has been answered both "yes" and "no." Psychologist say no because sound must be "perceived" through neurological functions and brain encoding. Scientist however, especially physicist, answer yes. The falling tree creates waves regardless. Therefor is has a frequency, therefor a pitch and therefor a sound.

We can go even deeper and look into morality concerns. "A gentleman's wife of 25 years is dying of cancer and ONE man has discovered the cure. The husband goes to him and the "curer" demands $10,000 for the cure when it only cost him $100 to create it. The husband therefor sneaks in and steals the cure." Should the husband be arrested and tried?

Both of these men have performed acts deemed immoral and wrong. But this question is also argued in favor of the husband and in favor of the "curer." It's another case dependent on how it is perceived.

Look at society today! All this debate about civil rights, marriage equality, homosexuality being right or wrong, Romney or Obama, religion versus government and so many more. All of these are connected to an individuals perception. One person perceived something, told and persuaded another and boom -- CHAIN REACTION! I;m sick of all the persuasion taking place everywhere, the Divine gave man free will and choice for a reason.

I challenge whomever reads this to live for YOU! Be yourself, love yourself, know yourself, stand your ground and live. Take responsibility for yourself and your actions. Realize how strong your perception is. Look at every situation with an open mind. Don't condemn another, don't persuade another, just guide, counsel and teach them. Most importantly LOVE all!

Love and Light,
Forest Grovewind